Keynotes & Workshops

I look forward to speaking at your event!

Please find a selection of recent sessions I've offered below.

Custom sessions, designed just for you, also available. 

Book a free Discovery Call to learn more!

Creating a Sense of Belonging Through Coaching

Featuring stories & evidence from schools around the world, this session demonstrates that properly-implemented instructional coaching does much more than “just” improve student learning; it creates a culture of growth and belonging which can lead to greater teacher satisfaction and retention. By demonstrating a school’s commitment to personalizing professional learning, coaching empowers all learners to flourish and develops humanizing organizations. You’ll leave this session with the 3 key criteria needed to build a successful and sustainable instructional coaching program, along with specific pitfalls to avoid along the way.

Evaluating Your Coaching Program: Moving from Surviving to Thriving

We’ve all seen instructional coaching programs come and go in our schools. We can see some schools having great success, and thus prompting others to hire coaches. However, not all programs are successful, often because we lack clarity around the elements that make up a coaching program, and how we can evaluate it’s success. Often we evaluate the success of coaching in our schools by the success of the individual coaches, but there is more to it than that. Are you taking time to evaluate the success of each of those elements to ensure that your coaching program is growing and evolving with the needs of your school? This session will help identify how you can begin to evaluate all three elements of your coaching program so you can move closer to your definition of success.

Instructional Coaching as the Key to Sustainable Professional Growth

As school leaders, how are we investing in our teachers and ensuring that professional growth is more than just ticking a box?  Teachers are stretched thin and deserve professional learning that meets them where they’re at, and helps them move the next step forward. The secret sauce to making this sustainable and achievable is instructional coaching. But…not all coaching teams and programs are created equally, and we can easily see that coaching is more effective in some schools than others. Is it all a matter of personality? Or skill set? Or expectations? This session highlights concrete steps that schools can take to build a coaching program that makes a deep impact on teaching and learning, featuring stories & evidence from current clients, and conversations with school leaders from international schools around the world on my podcast, #coachbetter.

The True Value of Instructional Coaching: 5 Reasons All Schools Deserve Coaches

Have you seen schools investing in instructional coaches? Curious why they might be hiring coaches? This session will highlight the 5 key reasons that instructional coaches are essential in schools today, along with examples from schools around the world. How do coaches make an impact on school culture, professional growth, teacher retention, leadership and vision, and teaching and learning? For schools that are considering whether to add this to their staffing budget for the next academic year, this session will help you make the decision!

The Coach-Principal Partnership

Do you have instructional coaches in your school? As a leader, how are you working with them to maximize their impact and ensure that their work is focused on coaching? Is there clear distinction between coaching and evaluation so that teachers feel safe to work with the coaches you’ve hired? After working with coaches in international schools for the last 8 years (and being a coach myself for over a decade before), I know the Coach-Principal partnership is essential to the success of your instructional coaching program.

As leaders, your understanding of coaching, and your day-to-day management of coaches will determine this outcome. This session will highlight the ways that principals and other school leaders can work successfully with their instructional coaches to ensure that you are seeing a positive impact from your coaching program.

Do you have (or are you thinking about hiring) instructional coaches in your school? Instructional coaches are capable of so many roles (Joellen Killion describes 10 Roles of a Coach), but it’s unrealistic to expect that they are able to prioritize all of them. Expecting that coaches fulfill all of these roles at once simply leaves them unable to focus on coaching, the one that will make the biggest impact. Recognizing the roles and responsibilities your coaches can fulfill, while determining the priorities with them will help you maximize the impact they can make in your school setting.  This session will highlight the 10 roles of instructional coaches, and help you determine which 2 -3 will have the biggest impact in your school setting.
In a practical sense, coaches are middle level leaders – but often they don’t often have the leadership skills they need to be successful. Likewise, middle level leaders are tasked with the professional growth of their teams, but don’t often have the coaching skills needed to truly personalize that learning and have deep reflective conversations. Middle level leaders would greatly benefit from understanding the power of coaching conversations, and building the skills to hold accountable conversations that lead to professional growth through coaching. And coaches would benefit from developing concrete and discrete leadership skills – particularly in the areas of influential and relational leadership.

Are you ready to have deeper, pedagogically-focused conversations with teachers about possibilities of technology for learning? Tired of surface level conversations about tools and tech support? No matter what your job title is, you can bring instructional coaching strategies to your role in edtech to help teachers transform learning through technology. 

This session will highlight instructional coaching strategies and practices that will help you transition “tech support” conversations into learning-focused pedagogical conversations. You’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of what instructional coaching is and how it can transform your work with teachers!

Do you have instructional coaches in your school? 

Are you wondering what they do & how they might be able to help you? 

This session will address what coaching is, how it works and why every educator (including YOU) deserves a coach. 

Curious about potentially becoming a coach? See how coaching can transform school culture too!

Making the move to an instructional coaching position is very exciting! You get the opportunity to work with so many different teachers and classrooms, and be part of big picture conversations around teaching and learning to support professional growth in your community. But… it’s a role that has a steep learning curve. 

Being a coach can feel like you’re in the “messy middle” because you’re no longer in the classroom with really clearly defined expectations, but you’re also not a school leader, with clearly defined authority. It’s not always easy to make this transition, and there are some key strategies you can apply to feel confident, calm and capable – even in your first year as an instructional coach! Discover exactly what to focus on as you begin to build your coaching practice so you’re prepared for your new role!

Not all coaching teams and programs are created equally, and we can easily see that coaching is more effective in some schools than others. Is it all a matter of personality? Or skill set? Or expectations?

This session will highlight 5 concrete strategies to build your coaching program & improve your coaching practice so you can make a bigger impact on teaching and learning in your school setting. 

Coaching conversations are an art. Finding just the right questions, just the right tone, and just the right phrases for YOU as an instructional coach, that work just right with your coachees, is a special skill. When we hear highly experienced coaches having a coaching conversation, their conversational choices seem so natural and easy. How do you find your own “voice” as a coach?

In this session I’ll share specific strategies that you can use to intentionally build your coaching toolkit. Applying these skills will have you feeling just as natural and confident in your coaching conversations as your coaching idols!

Are you struggling to build a coaching culture in your school setting? Are you frustrated by teacher reluctance or lack of leadership? Do you feel like something is missing to make coaching work? There are 3 key elements necessary to create a thriving coaching culture in all school settings. But, the reality is that most schools are missing one – and they don’t even realize it!

In this workshop, you’ll learn exactly what’s needed to create a thriving coaching culture AND get the tools to identify the gaps in your coaching program so you can take action immediately! Are you ready to create a thriving coaching culture in your school this year?

Being a coach is a big job! You’re constantly supporting and advocating for others, and sometimes that means you put yourself last. As coaches, we may need to be reminded that “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” For you to be your best self in your school setting, it’s important to take self care seriously. 

Taking the time to take care of yourself allows you to be present at work. Being calm, present and balanced in your role makes you more approachable as a coach to the teachers that you work with. 

This session includes nine intentional strategies for self-care that you can apply to your coaching practice today – so you can bring self-care to work, instead of saving it all for the weekend!

During the spring of 2020, I interviewed over 70 successful women leaders in educational settings around the world to better understand the unique experiences women face in pursuing a leadership role. From Heads of School, to Curriculum Directors, to Principals and Influential Leaders, these interviews were designed to be intentionally inclusive and authentically represent the diversity we need in educational leadership.

In this session, you’ll hear directly from 15 of our Women Who Lead (in video format), sharing the challenges they faced, as well as potential solutions that we can work towards together. 

You will get a window into the potential experiences of aspiring women leaders so that we can be better prepared for the journey ourselves, or better support aspiring women leaders in our organizations.

Ready to Work Together?

Want me to speak at your event?

Prefer a custom workshop for your school?

In addition to all of these topics, I can create something unique for your school community!

Let’s chat about what will meet your needs best.

Book a FREE discovery call and we can talk it through!