Key Elements of a Leadership-Ready CV


Self-paced / No Facilitator / No Credit


Many educators moving towards leadership positions submit sub-par CVs that focus on educational certifications, degrees and a listing of previous positions. 

A CV for leadership must emphasize self-initiated action-oriented experience, the management of teams and particular proven skill sets that support the work of a school.


This course will give you:

* practical insight to update your CV;

* strategies to position yourself for future leadership opportunities;

* an insiders’ view of what makes a leadership CV shine; and

* the elements to transform your CV for further leadership applications in education.


Introducing the Course Content Author

Time Commitment:

Approximately 1-3 hours to digest the course content and as much time as you need to work on your CV.


Who is this suitable for?

Applicable for any educators wanting to position themselves for future leadership opportunities and looking to ensure that their CV shines!

All references and materials are located online.


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