Are you making time for Self Care – at work?
Wow! This semester flew by! Now that we’re back to in-person learning (and travel), I feel like time is flying
Wow! This semester flew by! Now that we’re back to in-person learning (and travel), I feel like time is flying
Sometimes being a coach can feel very isolating. You might be the only coach in your division, or your building,
Are you struggling to build a coaching culture in your school setting? Are you frustrated by teacher reluctance or lack of leadership? Do you feel like something is missing to make coaching work? There are 3 key elements necessary to create a thriving coaching culture in all school settings. But, the reality is that most schools are missing one – and they don’t even realize it! In this workshop, you’ll learn exactly what’s needed to create a thriving coaching culture AND get the tools to identify the gaps in your coaching program so you can take action immediately! Are you ready to create a thriving coaching culture in your school this year?
Do you love coaching as much as we do? Celebrate your coaching journey, inspire other educators to try coaching &
Do these sound familiar? Are you struggling to get “buy in” for your coaching program? Are you tired of constantly
Do any of these sound like you? You’re in a coaching role, but you’ve never had formal coaching training… You’ve
We know that coaching conversations are an art. Finding just the right questions, just the right tone, and just the right phrases for YOU as an instructional coach, that work just right with your coachees, is a special skill. When we hear highly experienced coaches having a coaching conversation, their conversational choices seem so natural and easy. That’s because they have found their voice as a coach! Are you ready to find yours?
We want to give you a peek inside our Coach Microcredential Online Mentorship Program. Coaches taking part in this academic-year-long
We want to give you a peek inside our Coach Microcredential Online Mentorship Program. Coaches taking part in this academic-year-long
We want to give you a peek inside our Coach Microcredential Online Mentorship Program. Coaches taking part in this academic-year-long
Coaching Resources
The Coach
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Connected Teacher
Balance Your Family’s Digital Lives (FREE Resource)
eBook (pre-order)