The Coach Alumni Community


A private, semester-long, group-coaching experience exclusively for The Coach graduates where you’ll learn how to leverage your coaching skills into further leadership, with curated content and group coaching calls to stay connected to the global The Coach community.

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You asked for it. You got it!

Finally! A private group-coaching experience exclusively for The Coach graduates

The Coach Alumni Community is a 6 month group coaching and membership space exclusively for The Coach graduates, where you get access to the “next level” of coaching content PLUS you get to stay connected with The Coach alumni from all of our cohorts.

Created at your request, because…

1: The community of like-minded, engaged and passionate educators who want to continue to grow that you all found so valuable in The Coach – connected again! And not just with those that were in YOUR cohort, it’s the opportunity for graduates of ALL the cohorts in one place.

2: We know how small the world of international schools really is – staying connected in these kinds of professional conversations could actually lead to a new job.

3: This community can continue to grow as more and more educators graduate from The Coach.

4: Many of you have asked for the opportunity to discuss and connect around leveraging your coaching skills into the next professional step – and for many of you, that’s leadership.

Become a Founding Member!

We’ll Create the Community Together

This idea has been on mind for YEARS, and I’m so excited to get it started with you now.

But I don’t want you to be “just a participant”. I want us to create something amazing together.

This first iteration of The Coach Alumni Community will be a time when YOUR input is going to be essential in defining what this space is, how it works best and what I can do to best support you.

The price for the alumni community now is the lowest it’s going to be. Once this gets going and we can see how it will grow, the price will go up (any of you who got in on The Coach in the early years know how that feels right now!)


What’s in The Alumni Community?

To get us started, I have three core elements already planned (based on exactly what you have been asking for):

1: Next Level Content: Learn How to Leverage Your Coaching Skills

This semester-long learning experience is only available here in the Alumni Community

It’s the online course that most of you have been asking about: Coaching as Leadership

We’ll keep it simple to start, with just the content for you to explore at your own pace, but there will be an option to earn a certificate if there’s interest!

The course includes modules about…

– Seeing Yourself as a Leader: Recognizing the Leadership Skills You’re Already Building as a Coach

– Coaching Up! Working with School Leadership as a Coach

– The Coach as Change Agent

– Navigating the Next Step: Where could coaching lead you?


– An opportunity to mentor new coaches inside the current The Coach global cohort – if you’re looking for ways to support new and aspiring coaches, this is it!

– An opportunity to request and co-design additional modules that meet your needs, right now, in your environment.

2: The Coach Community: Real-Time Group Coaching Calls + Office Hours

This is the heart of the community – the time to meet (in real time) and talk about coaching and leadership with others who have a similar level of experience, and similar aspirations.

These conversations will help us determine where we want the community to go & how we can keep working together and supporting each other.

The community includes:

– Monthly Group coaching conversations (in Jan, Feb, Mar, April, May) so we can support each other – with an option to add more group calls if that’s what the group wants. Timing will be based on time zones, and likely between 4-6pm BKK and/or 7-9am BKK weekdays or 4-6pm BKK weekends (but we’ll see once we have our cohort).

– Office Hours available every other week for private check-in conversations with Kim for support (20-min time slots available, Calendly booking).

– Private forums for the Alumni community to share resources like job descriptions, job postings, coaching menus, and other coaching resources that we are all constantly looking for!

– Continued Slack access to connect outside of group coaching calls. Potential to upgrade to another platform if we’re see a need.

3: Alumni Community Member Bonuses


As an alumni community member, you’ll get discounts on other Eduro opportunities like private mentoring packages & other certificate programs!

Course Access

While you’re in the Alumni community, you’ll get extended access to The Coach Certificate in it’s current form – so you can refresh & review everything you’ve learned – and see most current version of the program (it’s so good!)

Global Projects

I’ve been having a number of conversations about the need for Instructional Coaching Standards & Practices designed for international schools. Want to get in on building this from the ground up? We’re going to do it here!

Limitless Possibilities!

If we’re successful and you like the experience, you’ll have the opportunity to stay in the community & we’ll keep building content for (and with) you!


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